Our Story

New Jerseyans are facing

big burdens.


Broken Transportation.

Lack of innovation.

Falling education results.



Generations of families have called New Jersey home.

Today, the next generation is


But if you think this is the end of
New Jersey’s story,

think again.

In 2018

we launched an organization that became Truth in Numbers. We began doing deep research on the issues facing New Jersey (read it here!) and publicly educating New Jerseyans on the facts.

But we didn’t just want to reveal problems.
We wanted to solve them.

In 2024,

we decided it was time for a new approach.

To spark something new.

To ignite ideas – together.

We know a stable, affordable, safe New Jersey can be possible…

If we think outside the box and bring all our ideas to the table.

We’re more than a think tank…
because good ideas need to be launched!

We’re igniting, incubating, and launching winning ideas for New Jersey’s future.

The ideas we ignite will...

Give every child in New Jersey access to a school option that meets their needs

Help entrepreneurs and businesses thrive

Create abundant, affordable, and reliable energy

We’re preparing for lasting success.

We’ll identify, convene and develop the next generation of New Jersey leaders.

Won’t you join us?
New Jersey’s best days are ahead.

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